Yesterday, November 1st, Richie turned 26! Going to Bastogne was all he wanted for his bday but of course we had to make his real bday special too! The day began with church like usual on Sunday and then there was a baptism right after. There is a family here that all decided to get baptized and Rich has been going with the missionaries to help teach them. Their eleven year old wanted Rich to baptize her so that was very special for him! After church I made Rich his "Bday Dinner" and then we invited two other American couples and another friend from church over for some cake and ice cream and games. The night was a success and I am so happy we were able to celebrate his bday with our new friends over here!Happy bday to my amazing husband! Love you LOTS!
Happy BIrthday!!! We miss you guys! We are gonna party it up when you guys get back!
Happy Birthday! So fun to talk to you guys! The cake looks yummy!
Hey!! I am SOOO glad you guys have a blog so we can keep in touch!! I cannot even believe the life you guys are living right now, what a huge fun adventure! I got totally sucked into reading every post on your blog because I'm so amazed at all the awesome things you guys have been up to. When do you guys get back?
Hi Kristen! Tell Rich Happy Birthday for me :) You look like you are having so much fun in Europe! I have been to a few of the places you have been and love looking at the pics...brings back good memories! Take Care
You are so sweet!! Thank you! I would love to get together with you and Rich when you get back so I can hear all about your adventure!!! :)
Rich Happy Late Birthday! Sister I sure miss you! I am always looking at your blog and the fun things you and Rich have been doing! When do you get back! Hopefully soon because I need a girls night with ya! No country dancing but maybe some good dinne and a movie. Well I hope you guys are doing well, I sure miss ya and have been thinking about ya! Erica
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