Not much going on here. Just working and waiting for our little bundle of joy to arrive. We finally have everything ready (I think!?) so I feel very anxious now for him to get here. I almost blacked out at work today because it is so hot here I think I am overheating. It's not much fun dealing with pregnancy hormones that make you hot already and living where it is 100 degrees everyday and having another body inside me heating me up even more! I have decided that being pregnant is a lot less fun in the end! ha. I think I have had constant heartburn and this babe must be laying on some nerves because my legs keep giving out on me and they hurt! On a happier note I only have 4 weeks left and I am so grateful for this baby. Every time he moves and kicks I am reminded of what a miracle it is to be able to grow a little human inside my tummy! Rich and I really can't wait to have him!!
Palo Alto
9 years ago
1 comment:
you can do it!! hang in there. it really was the best going 3 weeks early. crazy tomorrow is my due date. ha. 4 weeks left really isn't too long but i know how it feels getting down to those last weeks. steele sat right on my sciatic nerve on my right side and it was awful. good luck with the next few weeks. let us know if anything happens.
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