Our trip through Europe was an unforgettable experience! We had the best time. We left Utah August 12
th and arrived in London the next day around noon. We spent two days seeing everything there is to see in London and even saw Wicked which I have been wanting to see so badly! I loved it and thought it was just as great as everyone said it was! After London we dropped off our luggage here in Brussels and spent the day seeing the square and taking in what was to be our new home for the next few months! The first thing we did was try Belgian
waffles which were way yummy! Then we jumped on a night train to Milan, Italy. In Milan we spent the day admiring their beautiful
duomo, eating true Italian pizza, and
Gelato! Then we jumped on a train to Florence. Florence was one of my favorite places. It was just what I pictured in my mind when I imagined Italy. After Florence we headed to Rome! Here we went to the Vatican City, Sistine chapel, and saw the
coliseum. Rome was awesome but the weather felt like Myrtle Beach and we thought we were going to pass out running around in the heat all day, but it was
definitely worth it. If you have never been to Rome you must! It was incredible. (I will probably say everything was incredible throughout this whole post but everything really was!!) After Rome we went on to Munich, Germany. I think Munich was Rich's favorite. There is so much history in Munich. We saw where "Crystal Night" took place ( Not sure how to spell the German name for it), toured the city and learned all about Munich, and we went to Dachau which was the first official concentration camp ever built and the others were modeled after. Dachau was heartbreaking. I felt sick after visiting it. I can't believe what actually took place there. After Munich, we went to Berlin and caught a train to Poznan, Poland. Poznan was so fun! Rich's brother went on this journey with us and he served a mission for our church in Poland so being there with him and meeting all his friends was a blast! We loved Poznan and I fell in love with a hot chocolate cafe called Cocoa
Republica. Best hot chocolate I have ever had! Next was Krakow. Here we walked around the square, shopped at the markets, ate wonderful polish meals, and did a tour of Auschwitz. I was hesitant to see Auschwitz after seeing Dachau. It is hard to see what those poor people went through. No words can describe how you feel standing in these camps. Every tour we went on the tour guides would say how important it is to learn and see for yourself what happened to these innocent people so we can make sure it never happens again. I couldn't agree more. Forget Rome, if you are ever in Europe see one of these camps. You will never be the same! After
Krakow we took another night train to Prague. Prague was so pretty! The buildings in Prague are so great and are painted beautiful colors. It is a city I will never forget. Then we went to Amsterdam. Amsterdam was one of the most interesting places to me. We did a tour with a group through Amsterdam and within the first five minutes we were walking through the red light district! I was shocked! Apparently, the red light district is huge and on almost every street around the square. In fact, I learned that they put the red light district by all the huge churches to
further "test" people. I thought that was crazy! Anyway, needless to say Amsterdam was quite the experience. I saw more sex shops than I ever thought possible in one day as well as marijuana selling coffee shops!
haha. The history there is very
intriguing! After Amsterdam we headed home to Brussels. Once we were settled in our place we took off to Brugge which is in Belgium and only an hour away. Brugge was great! It is surrounded by water, has great shopping, and the best chocolate you will ever eat! Since we have been in Brussels we have been trying to learn our way around the city and get a feel for the place. I am already loving it and can't believe we will be here until Christmas! Our trip through Europe was one we will never forget. I did things and saw things I never thought I would do! I slept in awful night trains with some scary people, hostels of all sorts, some hotels, and much more! ha. Rich and I feel like it all was a dream. We feel so lucky we were able to have such a trip and we are happy Stevo was able to join us! We are already planning our next weekend trip so we will keep you all posted!
That is so awesome guys! Love the pictures, Florence was one of my favorite places when I was in Europe. Never went to Amsterdam looks INTERESTING :) Glad you are having fun!
Such fun pictures! I hope you guys are having fun. I'm still so bummed we weren't able to be there at the same time and that I couldn't spend more time with you guys. We definitely need to spend more time with each other when you guys get back. But don't wish it away too quickly, we really had such a great experience there. Anyway, hope you're both doing well and thanks for taking care of Alex for me!
i miss you!!!!!! wow you guys sound like you had a blast! love the pics, the one with all the sex shops cracked me up lol post again soon!! love you girl.
LOVE the pics & the blog!!
I am so glad I finally checked the blog out. I love it! I love the updates, the pictures, Europe! How fun for the 3 of you to explore over there. I really miss you guys. I hope everything goes well the next little bit. Please keep me updated on Rich! Love you guys!
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