My Dad asked me to go through the millions of boxes of things they have been lugging around since I graduated high school so I started sorting through them tonight. I found so many things that took me through memory lane. All my favorite pictures, letters, and cards from loved ones. It was so fun reading what people wrote to me and thinking about memories I have forgotten about. One thing I came across especially caught my eye. I found a poem my sister wrote for me one Christmas about nine years ago. I remember she was getting ready to leave for college at BYU and I was so sad she was leaving me behind. I remember opening it that morning and how special it made me feel. I have always admired my sister for so many reasons. She has such a fun personality and it is never the same at home without her here. One part of her poem says :
Sometimes I want to cover your eyes,
hide your from heartbreak, suffering and lies.
Not long from now, I'll go far away,
your hand I can't hold and show you the way.
I guess reading this poem just made me realize even more how much my sister has meant to me throughout my life. She has always been a best friend and someone I can turn to for comfort or advice. My whole life she always looked after me and she still does. I am lucky to have such an amazing sister. Someone I'll be friends with forever.
hip hip hooray, I get to see you guys this week!! jake and I are counting down the hours until the four of us are reunited!! it has been WAY TOO LONG!!!
Hey Kristen,
Here's our new blog name: ourhappybunch.blogspot.com. I took our last name off the blog. If you could not put our last name on your blog, I'd appreciate it. I love seeing your pictures. Hope you're having a blast! Post pictures when you get a chance!
Kristen (from MB)
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