So Rich and my mom and I went to the Dr.'s office today for the ultrasound I have been waiting for forever! We were so excited to see our baby GIRL.... As we sat there the tech started going through all of the mandatory things...checking them off one by one and giving me so much relief to know our baby is healthy and I can stop worrying about so many things being wrong. As she is going through everything she stops and goes "Oh, and it looks like you're having a boy!" And all three of us say "A WHAT?!!" YES, that's right. We have been wrong all along! We are actually having a little baby BOY! haha. We were laughing our heads off the entire rest of the visit and still can't believe it! All I have looked at are pink frilly girlie things and now we have to completely switch over to all boy stuff AND pick a name! We really couldn't be more excited though. I always said I wanted a boy first since I loved having an older brother so it all worked out I guess! I thought Rich was going to do cartwheels out of the office. I have never seen the man so thrilled in my life! I think he is already envisioning all of the sports they will be playing together and coaching all of his teams! I really shouldn't be so surprised since there are so many boys in the Nash family :). Anyway, baby is healthy which is #1 and I really can't wait to have a little Momma's boy! I can hardly wait to have him in my arms! I have never been so happy and love having this time to bond with him while he is stuck in my tummy!

what!!!! oh my i am dying! i just said "brett! rich and kristen are having a boy....!" he said "i know, rich text me." i was shocked and brett already knew. what a butt for not telling me. you will LOVE having a boy first. really you will be so thrilled he is boy the second he is born. for sure he'll be a momma's boy. what little boy isn't.
The 3D pictures are crazy how well you can see their little faces! Mine always looked like little Aliens in the regular ultrasound pics! He is darling :) Makes me a little baby hungry...wait, maybe not...:)
I love the picture of his face he looks like hes going to be soo cute! your going to love having a boy! its a blast(rich will like it too bc if you had a girl you would want to buy everything in sight bc they have the cutest girl stuff everywhere!)i want to see nursery pictures when you are done!
AW YAY! So happy for you guys! You can tell he is going to be a stud!!
Congratulations!!! How fun to be surprised twice!!
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